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State Authorization
Information for traders
Olha Martynenko
“Biolights” LLC
Before sending products for export, the Ukrainian exporter must first familiarize himself with the list of authorized laboratories and their scope of accreditation. You can do this on the website of the State Food and Consumer Service. The exporter must fully understand what indicators should be monitored when sending products for export. In addition, these indicators must be standardized by a regulatory document (a specific order, DSTU, ISO, etc.).
The veterinary inspector plays a key role in sending products for export. It is he who carries out the sampling and draws up an act of sampling, which will indicate the list of indicators for which the study should be conducted.
Thus, the exporter, from the point of view of the laboratory, acts as a customer who can deliver samples, similar to the state laboratory, and he will receive a protocol in the form of an expert opinion, similar to the state laboratory, and he can agree with the laboratory nuances (additional research , requirements where products will be sent)
When sending products for export, the veterinary inspector must check whether the laboratory is included in the list of authorized persons and check whether the indicators are within the scope of accreditation.
For example: if the exporter will ship products for export and the samples of this batch must be checked for safety indicators – such as aflatoskins, the laboratory must have this indicator in the field of accreditation. This is extremely important, as only a laboratory whose indicators fall within the scope of accreditation can conduct research for export.
Thus, EC “Biolights” is an authorized laboratory of the State Food and Consumer Services, the order, the scope of accreditation of which you can find on the website: here
In fact, exporting, the exporter acts in one or more ways. There are requirements of the legislation of our country and at sending from OUR country these indicators have to be accurately checked and correspond to the declared norms. However, there are requirements of the countries to which the products are exported and these requirements can be regulated at the state level (this will be specified by agreement between the countries. For example in free access on the website of the State Food Service) .
For example, studies of GMOs, heavy metals, antibiotics – these indicators are usually different from our legislation and indicators that are regulated in our country. Thus, the exporter must take this into account and contact the laboratory and agree on the sensitivity of the method, the method itself, the uncertainty and whether this study falls within the scope of accreditation. There are cases when our state has its own requirements, a foreign country to which the export is sent has its own requirements and even the buyer also has its own requirements. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of 3 parties.
It should also be noted that each type of product has its “painful” points, somewhere it is antibiotics, somewhere it is heavy metals, somewhere it is microbiological indicators. Each area of the food industry has its nuances, which must be checked very carefully.
Each country has its own criteria for assessing product safety. Example. In our country (in Ukraine) Cadmium is normalized in some products at the level of 1 microgram, and abroad it is normalized – 0.1 micrograms. And if you research in a Ukrainian laboratory, not agreeing on these values, and send the products to another country, they can check there and as a result the products will not be allowed on the market. Therefore, it is important to agree on all indicators, methods, etc.
If you have applied to Biolights, as an authorized laboratory, to carry out laboratory research related to export-import operations, we, having carried out a number of studies, are ready, if necessary, to defend the position of correctness and reliability of our results.
Biolights is an accredited laboratory in accordance with ISO 17025, and researching your products, we are confident in the results and if you need additional manipulations, documentation, we will be ready to show you, comment, help defend the correctness and reliability of the results.
It is also necessary to remember that one of the MOST IMPORTANT factors of qualitative research is the correctness of sampling.
From December 23, 2019 Expert Center of diagnostics and laboratory support “Biolights” has received the status of an authorized laboratory of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection.
Thus, the Biolights Expert Center is authorized by the state to carry out laboratory research (tests) for the purposes of state control and export / import operations.